Everything for everybody

Jetzt! Alles für Alle!, 2020
Now! Everything for everybody!
Marina Naprushkina and Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit, 2018
Exhibition view „of bread, wine, cars, security and peace“, Kunsthalle Wien

Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit members at the demonstration Unteilbar (#unteilbar), 2018, Berlin

The large pictorial objects were produced as posters for the Unteilbar demonstration in Berlin in 20218 as part of a joint action by the Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit initiative. The demonstration was a response to the current political shift to the far right and the increasing prevalence of racism and discrimination, which are becoming more and more socially acceptable in Germany.

Initiative Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit  is a migrant based association, which arose from the need of self-organization in 2013 (cofounded by Marina Naprushkina) long before the so-called “refugee crisis” began to dominate public discourse. The focus here is on reciprocity, not on the subordination of one side to the other. Getting to know one another, exchanging knowledge, experiences, and ideas in personal encounters, working together and using artistic methods and skills, meeting in the neighborhood on a regular basis—all this is the way to empower oneself, resist discrimination and marginalisation, and formulate an agenda with the help of artistic knowledge.